Tuesday, August 17, 2010

abortion, is it immoral?

i personally think that abortion is immoral
this is partly due my upbringing.
my parents have always taught me that ALL life forms are to be respected.
another is due to my religion.

but if we break the issue down....
we have 3 answers
they are yes, no and maybe

further broken down, for NO,
there are reasons
one such reason is if that the mother is a subject of rape,
and the fetus is a result of rape.
we have to understand the viewpoints of the mother
if she insists that the baby should be aborted,
her choice should be respected.
most if not all of us has not experienced rape
we do not know the pain and trauma
so the offspring reminds the mother of the incident
this causes lifelong pain in the mother
and what about the child?
the child would be labelled as a son of a rapist

another reason that abortion is morally justified is that
if the mother is a subject of incest and the baby a result
according to maths,
in the case of incest, the percentage if inheriting
family disease is very high
this can be illustrated in statistics.
if both the parents are carriers of the disease, but no inflicted with it,
the baby has 50% chance of being a carrier, 25% being inflicted and 25% SAFE
but if one of them is inflicted,
the baby is 75% inflicted, and 25% carrier
and if both parents are inflicted, the baby is definitely inflicted, unless in a case of a miracle

as we can see, if the child is a subject of incest, the chances of the child developing family illness is very strong
furthermore, DNA is such that the more influencial one covers the less influencial, thus determining the inheritence of the baby

another reason still is that the life of the mother would be dangered
if the pregnancy harms the mother, the baby would have to grow up motherless,
that is not exactly nice
if the birth harms the mother, the child would for the rest of his life be branded as a murderer
though unintentional, but its birth cost an adults life

but abortion can also be immoral
some think that abortion is taking of life, having no difference to a murderer
according to many religious beliefs, abortion is taboo and is considered sinful

another reason is the views of others
having or aborting the baby does not only involve the two parents,
it also involved the mother and fathers-in-law.
these have to be discussed
old people are generally more traditional and thus
generally not in favor of an abortion

but these points above do not cover all aspects of the problem.
there many grey areas
therefore there is another viewpoint
this is the maybe viewpoint
because these people think the grey areas are too large,
they decide not to make an absolute decision

today's assembly

today, during assembly,
Dr Hon gave us a speech about the current IS and OC system.
i prefer the previous system of computing ACE and OP
Dr Hon says that the previous ACE policy is not good because
ACE can be used to pull up a students grades in their academics
assuming a student gets a B3 in his tests, he can use his ACE to bring it to an A1
Dr Hon thinks that this is unfair
because we are getting the grade we do not deserve
but i beg to differ
even if our marks gets pulled up by ACE, its still our own efforts,
Dr Hon thinks that it is inflation of our marks that gives the impression that we are
of a certain standard when we aren't
but its still our own efforts, and thus doesn't affect the grading
He states that because of ACE, we would not study as hard,
because bad results can be improved with ACE.
but isn't that the spirit of ACE?
ACE is self initiated studies
which means we seek out knowledge ourselves
if our results are bad,
we will try to seek out knowledge to fulfil ACE
which would motivate us to independently study
isn't that the spirit of ACE?
the current system is unfair such that Independent Studies
is dependent on ACE and projects day
meaning if we do not do well for ACE as well as projects day
we would not get the B3 criteria needed to be promoted to Sec3
by increasing the value of ACE and projects day,
it prompts us to do ACE not for the knowledge,
but for the marks
and one more thing is that
projects work used to be counted in our ACE
now it is separated from ACE
wouldn't this decrease the time students have for studying?
lastly, if a person has MSG that allows for promotion into IP,
but due to IS and OC, he goes into 3Q,
wouldnt that be a waste?
isnt that what is happening to many of us at the moment?
this shatters our morale
we got good results that enables us to go to IP, or even CSE
but due to IS and OC, we fail.
hence i suggest that we lower the criteria of IS from b3 to C5, like OC.
this gives us more room.
another suggestion is that we do not determine promotion with academic MSG and IS/OC separately
i suggest that we should just take into account the scholastic MSG,
this would give us more room for buffer

Monday, August 16, 2010

youth olympic torch relay

we have anticipated the youth olympic games torch relay
and it has finally came to our school, hwachong institution.
however, it was not as spectacular as we would have expected.
firstly, the name TORCH relay suggests that the runners would be holding a lit torch
i have ran in a torch relay for youth extravaganza, and the feeling of holding the torch was awesome.
we expected the torch bearers would be running with the torch lifted, in pride. instead, they came walking, almost strolling, with a candle with a little lantern, with the torch unlit, held carelessly by another person.
we waited for about an hour to see the torch relay, and all we saw was a half hearted walk. maybe they did not meant to appear so, but it seemed to us they were half hearted.
another let down is that the drivers think that because they carry the runners, the road is in priority to them. we are all equal. so what if they have runners with them. there were like 6 vehicles. they are all moving at slow speeds. they think that because they have runners, they have priority. but we are equal, the rule of one in one out should still apply.

youth olypic games

Singapore made its first formal bid to host a multi-disciplinary sporting event of such a magnitude in its country. Positive factors in its bid included its high connectivity with the world, its youthfulness as an independent country, and its positive reputation for excellence and multi-racial harmony. The logo-making competition for the Games attracted 1,500 participants and the winning design Entitled 'Spirit Of Youth' was unveiled on 10 January 2010.

Opening ceremony of the Games was held on 14 August at The Float@Marina Bay, a floating stage near downtown Singapore. Approximately 27,000 spectators attended the event, which took place against a backdrop of the city's skyline. Event tickets cost between S$30 and S$200. The show, the largest ever held by the city, took over 750 hours of rehearsals to complete. Over 7,000 performers, mostly under the age of 18, took part in the ceremony. At the centre of the stage was the 32-metre tall Olympic cauldron designed by Randy Chan as a lighthouse. It was flanked by six giant LED displays, which stand behind a reflecting pool containing 200 tonnes of water.

Personally I think that the show was spectacular. The torch was carried from a large vessel and transported to land. Then runners ran and Darren lit the 'lighthouse' of the youth olympic games. The lighthouse was designed to make the flame spin and whirl in a vortex shape. It was dubbed the vortex flame. It was followed by the fireworks performance. Although the national day fireworks display was more spectacular, the display was still very magnificent.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

national day

people, national day 2010 is over.
but this is not an end, this is a new beginning.
this is a new beginning for a new singapore.
every national day, singapore showcases its short but rich history.
we should always hope that the next year national day would be more spectacular than the previous.
not only in the pyrotechnics, but also in the history and legacy.
we must work hard to strive for excellence.
in the school values, excellence is a very important value.
excellence is nothing without resilience and integrity.
resilience is all about will power and the ability never to give up.
even when all hopes are lost, there is still that glimmer of hope lingering in the end of the dark tunnel.
people say the strongest light casts the strongest shadows.
the same saying can be applied to us.
if we are facing a difficulty, ie a very dark shadow
there is always a strong light casting it
everything happens for a reason, for better or for worse
every difficulty is a challenge for us to improve ourselves.
integrity is doing the right thing, at the right time, even when no one else is looking
this is equally important,
because in the struggle for excellence, people are tempted to cheat
we must control that temptation, and win with our own power and strength
that is a true victory
victory by cheating means is a hollow victory and is in no way glorious.
we must strive for excellence, but integrity must come first
the product of resilience and integrity is without a doubt excellence.
so lets move on stronger everybody. LETS GO

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Penarakan museum trip

yesterday, Ms lim has brought us to the penarakan museum. it was an enriching experience. the trip was organised for us to have some background knowledge of our literature text, Emily of Emerald hill. The text is about the life of a woman from a pitiful background, how she became a member of a well to do family, the Gan household. she became the matriach of the family, but ended up losing all her family members.
Emily was a nyonya, a female penarakan. and the text was set in Singapore, and the Gans were a penarakan family. thus is was essential for us to visit the museum. i learnt that penarakan means mixed blood or mixed race, referring to the penarakans being the offspring of foreign traders and local women.
i learnt that the penarakan follows chinese traditions, like thinking of the color red to be auspicious. but they also adopt the malay culture, like using hands to eat. the penarakan culture is very rich. i have watched the TV serial, little nyonya. this gave me minimal background information of penarakans, but the museum trip was an eye opener.
in conclusion, the trip was really useful for me to understand the text, and i hope there will be more of such trips

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Mayella Ewell's diary

did not have time these few days, so i am gonna compile all these days into one entry
i got the nigger down the street, to help me bust up my old chiffarobe. i did not have the strength,
and the nigger looked strong. so i got him here, and for a nickel, bust up my chiffarobe.

i have finally enough money to give the little children a treat, so i got them downtown and get themselves an ice cream. so only me and tom was in the house. i had been lonely, the whites hate me because i am considered trash, so did the niggers, for i am white. i wanted company, even if from a nigger. i hugged tom. i could see he was shocked. he struggled to get off, but i held on. suddenly papa came back. he witnessed the whole scene. he hit me. called me a whore. i AM her daughter, is that what a father should say?

with the reputation of the ewells on the line, he told me to push all blame to the nigger. i was very guilty, but for the sake of my future life, sorry nigger, i had no choice. at the court, Atticus was mocking me. ma'am, miss mayella, urghh makes me sick. judge said he was polite, what politeness is that? the nigger was black, and i was white, it was obvious who would win the case. sorry nigger, forgive me. i had no choice. papa got me do it. rest in peace nigger, do not haunt me. sorry......


this is an interview with my ex-classmate, xianhui, currently in catholic high school

xianhui: you called me? what do you want
me: nothing much, just an interview for literature

xianhui: okay, do a quick one
Me: okay

me: so, what do understand from the word prejudice?
xianhui: a perception on some people, mostly bad perceptions

me: so is it good, or is it bad
xianhui: i told you didn't i? mostly bad

me: okay, what do you understand about discrimination?
xianhui: same like prejudice, except prejudice is a thought, discrimination is an action

me: okay...so i suppose it is also bad?
xianhui: yes

Me: okay thats all, thanks, bye

e learning t1w9

this is my multiple intelligence profile. As you can see, I am more intrapersonal and interpersonal. And I have gotten the least for languages, this proves it, i had never been good with languages. I am also kinaestatic smart, meaning that i enjoy sports and get restless in class, uh-oh, not good.

i am intrapersonally smart, which means i know myself, my weaknesses and strengths.
Which would mean that i know my target and dreams, and will try all means to achieve them. This makes me able to complete my tasks, presumed that i am even trying to complete them.

i am also interpersonally smart, which means i understand other people.
this makes communication with others significantly easier, as i am sensitive to them and understand my peers well.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

yea so basically, its new year
i visited my grandparents and the others
it was very fun
stuffed my self with bak kwa and drinks
had a blast
bye people

Saturday, February 13, 2010

HEY people
i am back again
this time, it is really new year
its eve to be exact
yea but i am getting excited, off to eat reunion dinner later
so basically i went to meet my friends in primary school yesterday and it was alot of fun
so with the festive season 1 day away
i would like to wish all a

Sunday, February 7, 2010

new year is around the corner

hey people, new year is just around the corner
yea so simply put, i am very excited
our class was just decorated with red packets and paper
the interior is average, but the outside is nice
people write their class with the ang pao
but we used the ang pao for the background and used the actual wall itself to write our class
special eh?
yea so new year is one of the best times of the year so i am really getting excited
okay, byee people


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Family&Friends :D
table tennis
my laptop
not homework




Be happy
1.3 for M.S.G
A new laptop
No Homework FOREVER

get them for me! xD