Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Mayella Ewell's diary

did not have time these few days, so i am gonna compile all these days into one entry
i got the nigger down the street, to help me bust up my old chiffarobe. i did not have the strength,
and the nigger looked strong. so i got him here, and for a nickel, bust up my chiffarobe.

i have finally enough money to give the little children a treat, so i got them downtown and get themselves an ice cream. so only me and tom was in the house. i had been lonely, the whites hate me because i am considered trash, so did the niggers, for i am white. i wanted company, even if from a nigger. i hugged tom. i could see he was shocked. he struggled to get off, but i held on. suddenly papa came back. he witnessed the whole scene. he hit me. called me a whore. i AM her daughter, is that what a father should say?

with the reputation of the ewells on the line, he told me to push all blame to the nigger. i was very guilty, but for the sake of my future life, sorry nigger, i had no choice. at the court, Atticus was mocking me. ma'am, miss mayella, urghh makes me sick. judge said he was polite, what politeness is that? the nigger was black, and i was white, it was obvious who would win the case. sorry nigger, forgive me. i had no choice. papa got me do it. rest in peace nigger, do not haunt me. sorry......


this is an interview with my ex-classmate, xianhui, currently in catholic high school

xianhui: you called me? what do you want
me: nothing much, just an interview for literature

xianhui: okay, do a quick one
Me: okay

me: so, what do understand from the word prejudice?
xianhui: a perception on some people, mostly bad perceptions

me: so is it good, or is it bad
xianhui: i told you didn't i? mostly bad

me: okay, what do you understand about discrimination?
xianhui: same like prejudice, except prejudice is a thought, discrimination is an action

me: okay...so i suppose it is also bad?
xianhui: yes

Me: okay thats all, thanks, bye

e learning t1w9

this is my multiple intelligence profile. As you can see, I am more intrapersonal and interpersonal. And I have gotten the least for languages, this proves it, i had never been good with languages. I am also kinaestatic smart, meaning that i enjoy sports and get restless in class, uh-oh, not good.

i am intrapersonally smart, which means i know myself, my weaknesses and strengths.
Which would mean that i know my target and dreams, and will try all means to achieve them. This makes me able to complete my tasks, presumed that i am even trying to complete them.

i am also interpersonally smart, which means i understand other people.
this makes communication with others significantly easier, as i am sensitive to them and understand my peers well.


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Family&Friends :D
table tennis
my laptop
not homework




Be happy
1.3 for M.S.G
A new laptop
No Homework FOREVER

get them for me! xD